Drs Rao, Bradshaw & Hussain
Telephone: 01782 777991 – Lines open 8.00am


We run all our surgeries by appointment only.  When booking appointments you will offered either a face to face appointment or a telephone appointment.

  • You can book an appointment by phoning the surgery on 01782 777991 or visiting the surgery in person.
  • You can book an appointment online through the NHS App or Patient Access, registration is required for this.  Please speak to one of our receptionists if you require any assistance.

We try to make sure you see the doctor of your choice. If they are not available, we may ask you to see another doctor.

Once you submit a form online, your query will be reviewed by a GP.  We aim to respond within two working days.

We try to make sure you see the doctor of your choice. If they are not available, we may ask you to see another doctor.

Routine Appointments

If you would like to book an appointment in advance we offer pre-bookable appointments, which can be booked up to two weeks in advance.

Practice Nurse and Health Care Appointments are available to prebook up to 2 weeks in advance.

Same Day / Urgent Appointments

If you would like to see a GP or Nurse Practitioner on the day, you should contact the practice from 8:00am.

A member of the reception team will ask you if it is possible to say what the problem is to enable them to care navigate you to the appropriate person as a GP is not always the correct person to see.

Home Visits

If you are too ill to come to the surgery and you require a visit at home, please call the surgery before 10.00am.

You may be offered a home visit by the Primary Care Network Paramedic who works in conjunction with the practice.  The paramedic will liaise with the doctor on call about your care.

Extended Access – Late Evening & Weekend Appointments

As part of Newcastle North Primary Care Network, we deliver extended hours on a Saturday. These hours are delivered on a rota basis between our five practice, Audley Health Centre, Heathcote Street Surgery, Mount Road Practice, Dr Harbidge & Partners and Talke Clinic.  This will enable our patients that work to access appointments on a Saturday rather than having to take time off work.  If you are attending one of the other practices, you will be asked for consent for the clinicians to access your medical records via the EMIS computer system. If you do not give consent, you will not be able to be seen during extended access appointments.

Please ask at reception if you need further information.


We understand that you may wish for a chaperone to be present during your consultation.

Please ask one of the receptionists prior to your appointment. Our clinicians also have the right, in some circumstances to insist on a chaperone to be present.

Changing an Appointment or Cancelling

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.

You can:

  • contact the surgery on 01782 777991 or
  • use the link provided on your appointment reminder text
  • You can also book, cancel or change your appointment through the NHS App or Patient Access App.

Who should I see?

We ensure patients see the most appropriate clinician depending on the medical problem.  This might not always be a GP. In this case the receptionist may offer you an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner or Physiotherapist or a referral to a local pharmacist.

What should I do when the surgery is closed?

If you need urgent medical advice between 6.00pm  and 8am weekdays, or during weekends and Bank Holidays call 111

For medical advice on a Thursday after 1pm please call 01782 651651 until 6:30pm.  This is only for Thursday afternoons. Please ring the surgery as normal on other days during the week.

NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. For children under 5 call 111

For people aged 5 and over go to 111.nhs.uk

Further Information

Please listen to Dr Bradshaw’s Podcast explaining appointments at our surgery

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 10th October, 2023